Thursday, May 9, 2013

Range Behavior 2013 Edition

I stumbled across another great post by a superintendent friend of mine, Chris Tritabaugh, superintendent at the Hazeltine National Golf Club in Minnesota. It has to do with proper divot patterns  when hitting on the range. The pattern you choose has a dramatic effect on how well the divots heal. I borrowed a few of Chris's images to better illustrate the point.

As Superintendents, we would always prefer the patterns on the left and right.

This is the middle pattern growing in. It takes quite a bit longer to grow from seed, and usually leaves the surface of the tee uneven.

This is the strip pattern growing in. Notice you get the seed germination as well as the filling in of the existing turf from the sides. Much faster to heal and leaves a lot more of the tee in tact.

  Our range is quite busy and takes a pounding throughout the year. We spend a great deal of time tending it and making sure it's in the best possible condition for those who use it. As a golfer you can do a couple of things to help out :
1. Choose the proper divot pattern
2. If it is a simple bucket of balls for practice (no game to follow), choose the Fox Academy range. It will help spread the wear and give the Fox Meadow range more time to heal.

Thanks for reading
paul m

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